Take a real Friend never for granted ~

  Take a real Friend never for granted  ~

Take a real Friend never for granted  ~

Take a real Friend never for granted  ~

Who's there

if we are sad

if we are lost

if we are happy

if we are angry

if we are lonely

if we are hurt

if we are frustrated

if we are completely insane

if we are caged in depths of our dark world

if we are misunterstood and misinterpret of many

Who's really there

if we need some care

if we need some hugs

if we need to behold tight

if we need to feel loveworthy

if we need to feel welcome and appreciated

if we need to be saved from falling deep into the abyss

if we need to be saved from rainy days and nights

if we need to be helped to oick up ourself if we're broken apart

Who's there

if the world seems to standstill

if nothing seems to make any sense anymore

if all becomes just to much and all you want is to walk away

if many let us down and see us as drama people and act towards us like clowns

if no one cares anymore and no one seems to take us serious and takes us for granted

if we feel coldness in our hearts and bitterness and your voice fails so much that you falls into silence

if you are to weak for any revenge or to fight back because hardly anything makes for you sense

Who is then there for us

if the world seems to be dark instead of bright

if all we see is darkness and no real light

if we get told come over it and fight

if all we want is just to hide us

and to turn our back to the world

and your soul can't bear it

to feel much more harm

and no words you find

to express your heart

and you want just

disappear until


Who is there...

in those times 

we realize something

the real colors of friends

what and who they really are 

what they are capable of as friends

do they love us as who we are and know our battles

they show it us even if we are sometimes blinded by our storms of emotions

and never judge us but help us to clear our sight with their tenderness and respectful kindness

Friends we all need 

Friends we all have

But true real friends

is something rare and should be honored

never take a real friend for granted

they are those which create a change in your Life

and real friends never leave you they always are beside you to anytime

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