"Breakups don't have to leave you feeling broken." ~ Gary Lewandowski

"Breakups don't have to leave you feeling broken." ~ Gary Lewandowski

 "Breakups don't have to leave you feeling broken." ~ Gary Lewandowski 

No relationship is perfect

Though it might appear so


Each friendship

Has its highs and lows

Ups and downs

Beautiful, special moments

And tougher times.

Life, with its complexities

Often imparts stress &

Imposes difficulties

Placing pressure on our friendships

& with those we love

And thus

Rather than seek to choose people

Who will cause no drama or hardship in our lives

Or seek unrealistic perfection

From both others and ourselves

We should choose

The people who are worthy

Of our understanding & forgiveness.

Deciding, or letting life decide for us

Who we are willing

To weather the storm with

Versus who we should let go.

Which relationships

Are the ones that uplift us and bring us joy

Adding meaning to our lives &

Helping us become the best people we can be

Versus the ones that belong in the past.

Not all relationships are forever

Not all relationships are meant to last and endure.

Sometimes breaking apart

From those we love

Can make us feel broken

But is completely necessary

As while love is unconditional

Relationships are not.

There will come a time

When you hear their name

And it will no longer hurt

Or be associated with sadness

But instead

You will smile

And wish them well.

Because you will reach a place

Of understanding

That you haven’t “lost” the relationship

As it will be forever a part of your story.

And when one door closes

Many more open

Paving the way for many more

Beautiful moments

Special times

And meaningful connections.

Breakups don’t have to leave you feeling broken

But rather, they can act 

As a major catalyst for change

For renewal, new beginnings

Self-improvement & self-development

To sojourn the areas of your life

That may have been left previously untouched

Undiscovered & unexplored.

They may serve as opportunities

To focus on yourself

To explore your goals, dreams & personality

To venture into the realm 

Of your inner identity.

With the newfound time 

You have from them leaving

Hours that may be dedicated 

To living life fully, openly & deeply 

To celebrating family & friends 

And investing in yourself

Instead of asking why they left

You can instead ask

“What beauty will I create

In they space they now no longer occupy?” 


7 Ways To Move Forward From A Breakup:

1) Shift your focus completely from them to yourself: through focusing on your own life & goals, being inspired by the newfound time you have. Look after yourself, through remaining healthy, fit and getting plenty of sleep.

2) Keep a busy schedule, including time to indulge and rest.

3) Beautify your environment.

4) Listen to uplifting and positive music, videos and podcasts or indulge in some escapism, in the form of a film or novel.

5) Spend more time with friends and family.

6) Journal or engage in a creative hobby or activity that brings you fulfilment and joy. 

7) Do something for your community, a friend or family

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